Knee Arthroscopy
Knee Arthroscopy
During knee arthroscopy, the surgeon uses a tiny camera to view the inside of the knee joint through a small incision. The camera can detect torn or damaged cartilage, ligaments, and other internal structures of the knee. Small instruments may be used to remove damaged fragments and/or repair knee structures.
Underlying conditions that may cause your doctor to recommend exploration and repair by an orthopedic surgeon include torn meniscus, torn or damaged anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), fracture of the kneecap, and other conditions affecting the structures of the knee.
Your orthopedic surgeon will discuss your options for anesthesia during the procedure, from local injections to general anesthesia. After the surgery, you’ll receive pain medication, and most people can go home the same day with an elastic bandage in place over the knee and surgical dressing. You may need crutches in the early post-surgical period.
In the weeks after your surgery, you’ll follow a special exercise program to help you regain mobility.